
Hi, regards from VacFAQs.com. This is an all in all website for numerous type of vacuum cleaner covering plenty of models. You are very much welcome to dig here deep and figure out the most suitable vacuum cleaner for your daily requirements. You will find various vacuum cleaner from different criteria here along with honest opinion about the product, why to buy the cleaner and what cons it possesses (if there any)

I am Pavithra from India, a housewife with an intention to help my husband out. I hate to go out for a job and pass most of my time in the home. Eventually, I became an expert on the different household product as I live with them. Sudden it hit my mind why not make a website and let the people out there know what I know. The first fruit of this thought is VacFAQs.com.

I have been running my household perfectly for about 7 years. It is my passion to keep my home sweetly decorated. I feel like I’m flying high while someone makes a compliment about my house and my house decoration. That’s why I like to watch my house in tip-top condition. You are also welcome to visit my home sometimes and watch my empire of pride all by yourself.

Mainly I want to create a complete feature full website covering all household product. My main intention is to assist you towards a beautiful home environment of yours all the way. The initiation of this initiative has been already started by launching of VacFAQs.com. Hope I will be able to do what I really want and help you all along. Keep me in your prayers.

In this website, I mainly focused on the convenience of different vacuum cleaners while cleaning stairs. You may think VacFAQs.com as a unique resource for the vacuum cleaner for stairs. I have found out that most of the people suffer most while trying to clean the stairs as stairs are a critical place to clean out. Furthermore, the best vacuum cleaner out there might be the worst while it comes to cleaning stairs. So if you are looking for the best solution available to clean your stairs, you can surf my VacFAQs.com. I am sure you will find it useful. If you are looking for best vacuum cleaning option for your entire house along with stairs, you will be able to find out that too as there exists some vacuum cleaner available in the market. These vacuum cleaners may lack individually while cleaning your floor only. But these are the best for hybrid usage. They sail smooth, in floor or stairs.

You are warmly welcome to connect!!

I always want to provide a comprehensive and detailed guide to each and every portion of a vacuum cleaner. I carefully make sure that the vacuum cleaner I am suggesting is a top notch product with a great existing user experience. I never compromise with the quality of the cleaner. I run here and there and try my best get my hands on the cleaner real time and share it with you.

Everybody has an opinion and it is likely to have a better option according to your views. I test a cleaner for a shorter time and maybe you are a long time owner of the very vacuum cleaner. You are always welcome to contact me with your opinion and I will try to uphold what you want to say along with honorable mention of your name. I will be really glad to hear out from you and include your precious comment within the article. You can also send me detailed information and the benefit of the vacuum cleaner you own with the picture. If you are not happy with your vacuum cleaner, you can elaborately tell me why and I will include it to my website.

That is all about, for now. Hope to hear out from you soon. Let’s be together for a better future, let’s initiate it starting from our own house.