Roomba 650 vs 770 – Does the 770 Deserve Extra Bucks?

roomba 650 vs 770If the cleanliness and tidiness of your home is the first and foremost concern, then today’s technology has already ensured it for you. There are a number of robot vacuum cleaners available in the market form where you can choose your desired one.

When you compare all these cleaners, all the vacuum clears may seem perfect for your home with the eye-catching design and effective invention. Then what should you go for? How would you know which one is the best vacuum clear for your home?

For your convenience and better understanding before purchasing a vacuum cleaner for your very own home, here in – we will make a comparison between the two topnotch vacuum cleaners in this content. The iRobot Roomba 650 and the iRobot Roomba 770 will be reviewed in conjunction with all the specific details in this article. Let us begin.

Roomba 650 vs 770 – Detailed Data

For your convenience, you have made a detail description by making contrasts and comparisons of the two Roombas. Go through the details below.

Navigation Compatibility


Here, navigation means the moving pattern of the vacuum cleaners and the both Roombas cleaning pattern is random. However, the optical sensor added Roomba 770 moves less randomly than the other one. It gets to recognize where lies what.

The Roomba 650 uses the popular iAdapt Responsive Navigation Technology and so does the model 770. It is an adaptive navigation and motion system. The second generation of the iAdapt Responsive Navigation Technology is used by the Roomba 770.

The Roomba 650 has a drawback that it has a nature of bumping into the things so much. If you have kept any clay-made pieces or glass pieces on top of your furniture, then the Roomba 650 may hit the furniture with a high speed and can damage the stuff that you have kept on the top.

So, wither you need to be careful before setting the Roomba 650 model in the clean-up area or you have to keep an eye on it so that does not clash with any of your objects.
The Roomba 770 is way better on the basis of navigation when compared to model 650. It has an adapting capability and when it gets to know what in your room is a place where then it hardly makes any mistake while cleaning.

This vacuum cleaner move is a slow pace so that it does not miss any of the dirty spots and do not bump easily unlike the model 650.

iadapt 2.0 responsive navigation
iAdapt Responsive Navigation-2nd generation

The both 650 and 770 models of Roomba have got the edge sensors. So it prevents them from falling off the cliffs. There is also another technology that is programmed into both of the Roombas named soft bumper technology. The work of this technology is to detect all the soft obstacles such as the beddings, curtains and the upholstery. When the cleaners get contacts with any of these then they start cleaning under them.

The Roomba 650 has a barrier named virtual barrier which keeps the cleaner in a particular area where it is cleaning.
Alternatively, the model 770 has got two different virtual barriers which make the cleaner stay where it is cleaning and also detects the area where it should not go.

Winner: Roomba 770

Shop Roomba 770 now at


Roomba 770 vs 650 – Filtration

The both of the cleaners have bag-less filtration where the model 650 uses the AeroVac filters and the model 770 uses dual HEPA filters. Roomba 650 filter Roomba 770 filter

The AeroVac filter of the Roomba model 650 is alright if none of your family members is sensitive to dust and allergen. The HEPA filters have the ability to capture the dust that is of 0.3 microns.

To the people who have sensitivity issue towards allergens and dust, we highly recommend them HEPA filtered vacuum cleaners.

Winner: Roomba 770

Roomba 650 vs 770 – Cleaning Performance

The job of the two Roomba vacuum cleaners are definitely cleaning up and picking up the dirt but it works with some specific technologies. They clean up all the garbage and waste with the hi-tech three stage clean-up technology of iRobot. The three technologies include:

  • Agitating for loosening debris
  • Brushing for picking them up
  • Suctioning for sucking the wastes in
roomba cleaning, roomba cleaning head module
The three technologies combined

The Roomba 770 uses an updated version of the identical technology that the Roomba 650 uses. It does its work with an additional power and far better sensors.

Anyway, the basic cleaning mechanism is almost identical of these two robotic vacuum cleaner. Both contain three types of brushes. Two different shaped Flat brushes and one round shaped.roomba brush roomba 650 brush roomba 770 brush

As we have said before that the Roomba vacuum cleaners work in three different stages, these stages come up with a technology named Dirt-Detect. The Roomba 650 has a habit that leads it to go to the same spot repeatedly.

This repeated action takes place because the 650 vacuum cleaner has no added acoustic sensors. When your cleaner will clean the same place that is already cleaned again and again then the battery consumption will increase. On the other hand, the areas which are dirty and need cleaning will not get proper attention that they require.

The scenario with Roomba 770 is very different from this because the 770 is crafted with an added optical sensor for accompanying the acoustic one.roomba dirt detect Where ever on the floor is dirt, it can get there and it gets a better grip there.

Roaming over the identical spot over and over is not what the Roomba 770 does. When a dirty place is satisfactorily clean, it moves to another place for cleaning. This saves the battery from consumption and also makes the proper cleaning.

When we are talking about floor types, it is a matter of contentment that both of this Roomba 650 and the 770 suits perfectly with all floor types.

No matter your floor is bare, or it has carpets or rugs, we have repeatedly tested the both Roombas and got to know that both of these can adjust ideally with all of the floor categories.

The Roomba 650 has a good reputation as it does better in picking up dust, large debris, and pet fur off from the different floor categories. However, it cannot make the place spotless. Some of the fine dust is seen kept by the Roomba 650.

Another thing to worry about is the 650 model takes a lot of time to complete the process of cleaning which means the sessions will be lengthy. If you desire to clean multiple rooms of your home then the situation can sometimes force you to charge it up again between the cleaning sessions. That will be somewhat irritating for you.

However, the Roomba 770 works superior on every floor categories but this vacuum cleaner does its work so swiftly and fast. When it is about cleaning quality then we can say that this 770 model can remove more or less 95% dust from the floor of your home.

This model provides proper concentration to the details and does its job by cleaning thoroughly and perfectly.

These two Roombas are great when they clean the floor under the furniture. Both of this vacuum cleaners slide under you gears and furniture for cleaning the floor beneath them. In term of height, you will find the model 770 is a little shorter than the model 660 and this helps the 770 model to get down easily and clean-up under the furniture.

Winner: Roomba 770

Take a quick look,

Roomba 650
 Roomba 770 


Let’s check the price differences –

Roomba 650 vs 770 – Battery Life

These two Roombas take up to 3 hours to get fully charged and the model 650 can run up to 50-60 minutes and the model 770 can go up to 70 minutes.

roomba 650 battery roomba 770 battery
Roomba iRobot Battery

The model 650 does not have any battery indicator and is not able to recharge and resume itself automatically (can recharge but cannot resume.) The model 770 has a battery indicator and can recharge and resume itself automatically.

Winner: Roomba 770

Shop Roomba 770 now at


Roomba 770 vs 650 – Design and Measurements

roomba design
When it comes to design, model 650 has a black button where the model 770 has got grey touch-pads.

The height of the Roomba 650 and 770 respectively are 91mm and 92mm; the width respectively 353mm and 93mm and the weight respectively 3.8 km and 3.6 km.

Roomba 650 vs 770 – Dust Cup

roomba dustbin, roomba 650 dustbin
The model 650 houses one 0.48 gallon dirt-bin so that it can hold all the dirt that it picks up from the floor. The volume is great but it has no full dirt-bin indicator. For this problem, it will be tough for you to know that how much space is available in the bin for further cleaning.

On the other hand, the Roomba 770 has one dirt-bin indicator that lets you know how much of the bin is empty and if you can go on with your cleaning or not.

Winner: Roomba 770

Shop Roomba 770 now at


Roomba 770 and 650 – Special Features

roomba 770 remote
Roombas have the ability that you can set them up for cleaning the rooms 7 times in a week. The model 650 has some buttons for controlling where the 770 model has touch-pads.

The Roomba 770 also includes a remote control if you do not want to reach the device for operating it. No remote control is available for Roomba 650 but it has the feature of voice-prompts.

Winner: It depends on your requirements

What should you choose: Roomba 650 vs 770

Depending on your requirement you can settle on any of the Roomba Vacuum Clears as it varies from person to person.

If you want something cheap then go for the model 650 and if you want intelligent clean-up bot then choose the Roomba 770. The model 650 seems slightly old but it works properly. If you want less manual work and can pay about a couple of hundreds dollars more, then go for the Roomba 770.

Final Decree

Both of the Roomba 650 and 770 have hi-tech features along with a good price range. But we have compares both devices and made one of them a winner on the basis of the positive and negative aspects.

According to us, the Roomba 770 is the winner with a lot more effective technology and soothing features than the 650. If price were the same, then the 770 is certainly the best bet.


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